Oh magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:3

Current Women's Ministry Events

Current Women's Bible Studies

Throughout the year our church offers various Bible Studies and other reoccurring events.

To view our current Bible Studies and events: Click Here

Women's Workout Wednesdays 

Every Wednesday at 9:30am & 10:30am . 
Work out Wednesdays are waiting for you, ladies! We are offering two different classes, both with childcare provided. The 9:30 class is a full body conditioning program and the 10:30 class is cardio and core. The cost of each class is $5. 

To register, click HERE

For more information about the class, click HERE

Little Music Makers

Little Music Makers - Resumes in the Fall

All children are welcome to join us at 10:00 am for a fun and free class to sing and dance. All ages and stages welcome, including babies! Please feel free to invite friends and guests to join in, as well.  All children will need to be accompanied by an adult (mom, dad, grandparent, babysitter) who will stay in class with them for the full 30 minutes. We encourage participation from children and adults alike! At the end of class, we will invite everyone to stay for a snack and time to visit. Registration is not required, but if you are willing, please register and share your contact information in case we need to send any updates.


Women at the Well

Women at the Well is a group that meets once a month for ladies age 60 and up. Each month you can sign up to join us at church for fellowship opportunities. Please reach out to Marcia Horan at marshmello6@juno.com or Mary Hayes at honeyhayes@sbcglobal.net with any questions or to get involved.

Women's Prayer Group

All women are invited to join us in praying for the needs of the Church and also for each other. 

If you would like to join the Women's prayer group click HERE for more information. 

Healing Hope

Healing Hope is a ministry focused on supporting women struggling with infertility by providing an environment where they feel supported, covered in prayer, and lifted up during a challenging season in their lives. Infertility can cause feelings of isolation, heartbreak and fear. Healing Hope comes along side those who are struggling to have encouragement, hope, and connection.

To Register Click: HERE

Please contact Jill Curtin at 708-609-6902.


Titus 2 Mentoring Program

Titus 2 is a ministry designed to help women connect with each other to live reverent, self-controlled,

pure, kind, caretaking lives that will glorify God as Titus 2:3-5 outlines.

If interested in being a mentor or mentee, or possibly both roles, please fill out an "Interest Indicator,” which can be  found on the Hickory Creek Church website under the women’s ministry tab or in paper copy at the church, and you will be contacted. You can also fill out the form HERE.

If you have any questions, contact Lynn Schumacher at 815-933-3648 or at lgschumacher@sbcglobal.net

SOC (Sisterhood of Comfort)

Widows of Hickory Creek Church come out and connect with some other ladies in similar life situations on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30 a.m - noon in the Flex room. We will begin with a time of prayer and then have a time of conversation & light refreshments. Feel free to invite a widow friend to attend.

If you have any questions or want more details,

Please contact Tina Blackburn, 815-370-7158 or Gloria Cox, 708-941-4427.

Her Solid Ground
