Spreading God's Word


Hickory Creek was originally founded as a Southern Baptist Church in 1972. In the mid 1980’s they built a chapel with a couple of classrooms on this current location. In the mid 1990’s they changed their name to Hickory Creek Community Church. The church had dwindled in number to about 38 in attendance in late 2004. In 2005, the church reconstituted as a non-denominational church under new leadership and began growing. Since 2005, Hickory Creek has experienced continued growth as the church focused on loving people and preaching God’s word. Today, after 3 building expansions, the church has multiple services which average over 750 people each weekend.

Our Leadership Team

The staff and leadership here at Hickory Creek Church is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them. You can contact the church office at 815-469-9496 or e-mail us at  Laura@hickorycreekchurch.org.

  • Scott Kircher  - Lead Pastor  circlefacebook  circleinstagram  circletwitterbird  circleemail  

    Hickory Creek decided to call Scott as their Senior Pastor in April of 2005. Scott has not always been in pastoral ministry but sensed God's call into the ministry in 2000, when he was still working as a financial futures broker.  He had been involved in various leadership positions within the church for years but sensed God calling him to greater service and commitment. Pastor Scott and his wife Laura have been serving Hickory Creek since October of 2004.

  • Bob Lullo - Executive Pastor  circlefacebook   circletwitterbird  circleemail  

    Bob and his wife Kristy, along with their two children, began attending Hickory Creek Church in 2009. Before being a part of Hickory Creek's staff, Bob was full time in the construction trades. As God continued to work in Bob’s life, Bob felt God calling him to leave his secular profession to serve HIM in a life of full-time ministry. In June of 2012, this calling came to fruition. Bob is now serving as our Executive Pastor. 

  • Jeremy Dodge - Youth & Worship Pastor  circlefacebook  circleinstagram  circletwitterbirdcircleemail  

    Since the age of 12, Jeremy felt God calling him into youth ministry. He pursued this calling through high school and into college where he met his wife Courtney. During the summers of college, he interned at Hickory Creek Church's Jr. High & Sr. High youth program running the worship sets for Wednesday night.  In June of 2013, Jeremy began working part-time at Hickory Creek as a Junior High Director. Through God's blessings, in January 2014, Jeremy became a full-time staff member of Hickory Creek and is now currently the Youth and Worship Pastor. 

  • Steve Borchert - Discipleship Pastor circlefacebook circleemail

    Steve gave his life to Christ in the summer of 2006 when he was 26 years old. The Lord brought conviction to Steve, so he prayed for forgiveness and relationship with Jesus… and the Lord poured out His love! In 2013, Steve and his family came to worship and serve here at Hickory Creek Church. Throughout the years, Steve has served with our Reach Student Ministries, our local and international missions teams, and our adult life groups. In 2021, God called Steve out of his career as a high school teacher and led him towards full-time ministry. After attending Moody Bible Seminary, Steve came on board as our discipleship pastor in 2024.   

  • Roscoe Rea - Pastoral Assistant & Junior High Director circlefacebook  circleinstagram  circleemail

    Roscoe graduated from Taylor University in May of 2018 with a degree in Christian Ministry and Biblical Studies. He looks forward to marrying Emily, the love of his life, in 2020, and considers himself richly blessed to be able to work at Hickory Creek, a church and a staff that he has grown to love very much. Roscoe is passionate about the word of God, excellent worship music, and serving as Hickory’s Pastoral Assistant in whatever capacities he can make himself useful. To relax, Roscoe enjoys playing board games, painting miniatures, and practicing guitar.

  • Laura Kircher - Director of Nursery circlefacebookcircleinstagramcircletwitterbirdcircleemail  

    Laura leads our weekend Hickory Creek Nursery Ministry, helps with office administration during the week, and serves on the Women’s Ministry leadership team. Laura has a heart for serving and can usually be found helping out somewhere behind the scenes. Laura is joyfully married to Pastor Scott. They have three adult children and are enjoying a new season of being empty nesters and spoiling their dog Tux.

  • Kristy Lullo - Director of Children's Ministries circlefacebookcircleinstagramcircletwitterbirdcircleemail  

    Kristy co-leads our weekend Kid's Ministry, as well as our VBS and AWANA ministries. Kristy has over 15 years of experience teaching children, and has a heart to share God's love with the youth. Kristy has also been serving in our Youth Ministries since January 2010. Kristy is married to her high school sweet heart, Bob, and has two children, Emmi and Anthony. Kristy and her family are so grateful to be a part of the work God is doing here at Hickory Creek!

  • Holly Williams - Director of Children's Ministries circleinstagramcircleemail  

    Holly co-leads our weekend Hickory Creek Kid's Ministry, as well as our VBS and AWANA ministries. Holly has a passion to work with children and has been a part of Hickory Creek since 2010. Holly is married to her husband Scott and they have three children, Kaylee, Ashley and Maggie. 

  • Mark Fischer - Director of Technology circleemail  

    Mark came to Christ, and began volunteering on the tech team when he started attending Hickory Creek Church in 2012. As his relationship with the Lord grew so did his passion to share what Christ has done for him. Taking steps of obedience through baptism and trusting in the Lord for guidance, Mark serves on the staff of Hickory Creek Church as the Director of Technology. He also leads an outreach ministry supported by the church to reach others that need to hear God’s word in the local area. Mark has been married to his wife Shomari since 2012, and they have two wonderful children, Sena and Shey.

  • Alicia Jakubek - Director of Women Ministries circleemail

    Alicia Jakubek is honored to serve as the Director of Women’s Ministries at Hickory Creek Church. Alicia was formerly an educator, but now she uses this background to lead and teach women in Bible studies and myriad church programs. She married her loving husband Kyle in 2008, and they have three amazing children: Jake, Zack, and Abrielle. She is blessed and humbled to be in this role at Hickory Creek Church. 

  • Dave Binnendyk - Custodian

    Dave has been on staff at Hickory since 2016 and has been a member at Hickory Creek Church for 2 years. He loves working with kids and is currently an AWANA leader. Dave has a passion to see people come to know the Lord and to see people continually grow in their walks. 

  • Abbee Hofstra - Cafe Manager and Ministry Assistant circleemail

    In 2016, Abbee stepped out of her comfort zone as a high school student and walked into Reach Student Ministries at Hickory Creek Church. Throughout her time at Reach, the Lord started working powerfully in her life.  When Abbee graduated out of Reach, she immediately started serving within the youth ministry while working full time at Lou Malnatis Pizzeria as a manager. In 2023, the Lord provided an opportunity for Abbee to start working full time at HCC as a Cafe Manager and Ministry Assistant. Not only does Abbee manage the Cafe, but she continues to lead and assist in Reach Student Ministries, HCC Kid’s, and our Worship team! 

  • Kim Bukantis - Book Keeper

    I have been married to my best friend Bernie for over 23 years and he plays the drums at church. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 7 years old, and learned at early age to help others and come along side and care for people, especially people who are hurting. I enjoy serving behind the scenes and supporting others. My actual personal mission statement comes from two older songs. The short version is I pray that that people can see His love through me, and that my life tells a story of His love and grace. I pray that my words and my actions reflect the One who has rescued me, so that people can also know the truth of Jesus’ love.

  • Caitlin De La Parra - Worship Director

    Bio coming soon! 

  • Michael Gray - Care Pastor circleemail

    Mike became a Christian when he was in the Army in 1973.  He has been in the ministry for over 40 years, serving as pastor, youth pastor, worship pastor and care pastor in churches in Arizona, Oregon, California, and Iowa. He has also worked as a Hospice Chaplain in California and Illinois. Mike received his Master of Divinity from Western Seminary in Portland, OR and his Doctorate in Strategic Leadership from Faith International Seminary in Tacoma, WA. Mike and his wife Jeanne have 4 adult children and 15 grandchildren. They have experienced God’s faithfulness in so many ways over the years. Mike’s heart is to serve the Lord in caring for God’s people in however He leads. He loves teaching God’s Word and ministering to people. Since coming to Hickory Creek in 2023 he has supported the GriefShare ministry, visited church members, and participated on the worship team.