Day of Prayer/Night of Worship - Thursday, October 12th
Prayer time - 5am to 5pm - Night of Worship @ 7pm
As we begin this new season of ministry, we want to come before the Lord praying for wisdom and the needs within the body of Christ here at Hickory Creek. We are looking for people to sign up for a half hour time slot between 5am and 4:30pm on Thursday, October 12th to devote to prayer. We would like you to come into the church if you are able. The Worship center will be available with prayer cards and soft music to help you focus and provide a suitable environment for prayer. Then that evening, we will be having a night of Worship at Hickory Creek to come and Worship the God who is able to meet all of our needs and accomplish is amazing work through us. Click here to sign up for a prayer time.
Meet our Missionaries to North Africa
Les & Hannah between services on October 8th in the Glass Room
Thanksgiving Serving with All God's People - Saturday, November 11th
Are you a cook or a servant? - or Both! We have an opportunity to be a blessing to the hurting and homeless of Chicago who are struggling with feed depravation. We are looking for 30 people to cook and carve a 20-pound turkey. We would need you to roast and carve a turkey along with stuffing and bring to Hickory Creek on Saturday, November 11th by 8:30a (or dropped off at warehouse in Orland at 9:00a) so it can be taken to the warehouse in Orland and transported down to the city to serve that day.
We are also looking for 20 people to serve on Saturday, November 11th. You will meet at the warehouse in Orland Park (15552 S 70th Ct, Orland Park, IL 60462) at 9:15a and carpool to the city arriving around 10a. You are usually done by 3p. If you would like to volunteer to cook or to serve, or both, click here or contact Doreen DeBoer.
Bible Study Opportunities
Ladies Studies
Good Boundaries and Goodbyes - Begins Tues, Sept. 12-9:30a to 11a
1st Peter: A Living Hope in Christ - Begins Thurs, Sept 14-9:30a to 11a
Women's Study - Ruth: Loss, Love, and Legacy - begins Monday, Oct. 2 @ 6:30p
Gale Storen and MaryAnn Lullo are teaming up for a Bible Study in the fall on Monday nights from 6:30-8:00. It will be 7 weeks and run from October 2nd- November 13th. There will be no childcare provided. To sign up for this study, Click HERE.
Men Studies
Wednesdays 6am-7am - Sermon Based
Thursdays (6a – 7a) - begins Sept 7 - Genesis
Saturdays (7:30a – 8:30a) – Forgiveness Sermon Based
Contact Pastor Julius for more details on any of our Men's Studies -
Men & Women Bible Studies
The Major Prophets - Sundays at 9:30a in the Flex Room
Dr. Dave Rompala, Phd, will help us uncover how God used each of these prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel) to teach us His plan for history including that of the Messiah and end times. Learn about their callings, sufferings and the unique directions that God gave to these prophets and how frequently these prophets were quoted by Jesus and other and writers of the Scriptures.
Click here to sign up for this study.
If you have questions or would like more information, contact Dave at
Book of Revelation - Thursdays - 10a to 11:15a
Led by Dave Rompala, PhD, discover the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing to those who read and hear it (Revelation 1:3). Particular time will be devoted to the 7 year Tribulation, the Temple rebuilding, the Millennial Period, the final judgements, and eternity in heaven as well as some current events that complement prophecy.
Click here to sign up for the study at Hickory Creek.
This study will also be offered on Thursday evenings at CTF of Illinois at 18230 Orland Pkwy, Orland Park from 6:30 to 7:45 PM. If you have questions or would like more information, contact Dave at
Know God Better - Mondays beginning Oct. 2 @ 6:30p in Worship Center
A Pastor once said, “If I want to love God more, I need to know him more deeply.” This 8-week study, led by Mike Talaga, will go deeper in understanding and knowing the Greatness, Beauty, and Love of our God. We will center our study on the nature and attributes of God Himself. Its effect is to ever humble us and to worship Him as we contemplate His greatness and glory. To know Him better, and to love Him more, is our aim as we examine the Scriptures for the unsearchable riches of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
To sign up for this study, click here.
Outreach Activities for Church and Community
Women's Work out Wednesdays - Wednesdays @ 9:30a & 10:30a
Work out Wednesdays are back and waiting for you, ladies! We are offering two different classes, both with childcare provided. The 9:30 class is a full body conditioning program and the 10:30 class is cardio and core. The cost of each class is $5.
Click here to sign up.
Math Magic - Mondays (Beginning Sept 18) @ 9:30a
Math Magic Plus (for Homeschool Kids) – Mondays (Sept 18) @ 10:30a
Little Music Makers - Friday Mornings thru Nov. 10th @ 10:00 am
All children are welcome to join us on Fridays at 10:00 am for a fun and free class to sing and dance. All ages and stages welcome, including babies! Please feel free to invite friends and guests to join in, as well. All children will need to be accompanied by an adult (mom, dad, grandparent, babysitter) who will stay in class with them for the full 30 minutes. We encourage participation from children and adults alike! At the end of class, we will invite everyone to stay for a snack and time to visit. Registration is not required, but if you are willing, please register and share your contact information in case we need to send any updates. To register, click here.
'Family Grace Groups
Support for Family of those with mental health issues – Next on Oct 5
This fall, we will be having a group to biblically support family and caregivers of those struggling with mental health challenges. We have trained facilitators leading these groups to provide the biblical encouragement and care you need to be who you are needed to be. Meetings are on the 1st and third Thursday of the month through the end of the year at 6:30 pm at Hickory Creek Church. Let us know you are interested by signing up here.
Women at the Well (for Women 60+) - October 30th, 2023 - 12p - 1:30p
Come celebrate the Fall and apple season with Women at the Well on Monday, October 30 from 1-2:30 pm. We will be serving delicious apple pie and apple cobbler. We hope you can join us for laughs and spiritual encouragement. If you have questions, contact Marcia Horan.
GriefShare - Mondays at 7p begins November 6th
Anyone suffering the loss of a loved one is encouraged to come to GriefShare at Hickory Creek. Griefshare is a Christian support program that will help you navigate the journey of grief and begin the healing process. Meeting dates are Mondays beginning November 6th from 7 to 9pm. Click here to signup.
For more information, email Bob Soukup or you can reach him by phone at 708-473-7547.
New Women's Podcast - Her Solid Ground
Women of Hickory Creek, we invite you to tune in to our new weekly podcast Her Solid Ground, with Lisa Bonnema and Alicia Jakubeck, to share the truth of Christ with the women of our church. You can access this podcast on the Hickory Creek Church app.
Other Important Dates
ExpGrowth - Membership Seminar - Sunday, Oct 29 & Nov 5
For more details and to register for the next seminar - CLICK HERE
See Website for more details of all activities