Engaging our Culture Campaign
Hickory Creek Church plans to expand our facility to provide more and greater opportunities to engage our culture throughout the week and not just on the weekend. Our plan is to begin this expansion work after Easter and then to be completed by Christmas of next year. The proposed expansion is estimated to cost around $3 Million of which we currently have about half of the resources necessary. We are asking our church members and those who call Hickory Creek Church their home to be praying about how God wants to use you to engage our culture.
To make a donation: Click HERE
How Can God Use You?
How can God use you during this time to engage with our culture better?
Is it through being better prepared to share the hope we have been given through the gospel?
Is it through serving in one of our midweek ministries that are engaging many from outside of our church?
Is it through financial sacrifice to help expand our facility to be able to better serve those we are reaching through our midweek ministries and perhaps provide even more opportunities to engage throughout the week?
It may be some aspect of each of these areas that the Lord is calling you to be involved in. Be praying about how He wants to use you to help Engage our Culture with the Gospel.
To make a donation: Click HERE
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Engaging Our Culture Campaign
Hickory Creek Expansion Video - Coming 2020